Helping the Differently-Abled
Chakshumathi’s Fathima Anshi receiving 2021 Shreshta Divyanga Balika award from Smt. Drupadi Murmu Honorable President of India on December 3, 2022 at New Delhi
Chakshumati is a world leader in creating and implementing a born-accessible digital learning pedagogy for mainstream schools and education boards to become inclusive in their educational activities. We believe in equal equity for all in education and are an advocate and activist to ensure the goals of the 1994 Salamanca Treaty are honored. We believe it is easy to build stronger children than repair broken men. That is why Chakshumati works only with students with special needs.

Workshop on Assisted Technology for Visually Challenged
At present Chakshumati has a presence in 11 countries and the length and breadth of India. In conjunction with Benetch / Bookshare, we are now converting special and mainstream Indian schools to inclusive digital literacy to enable them to become inclusive and accommodative to children with diverse needs.
Empowering special needs children through Assistive Technologies
In 2011, Chakshumati started a national campaign to empower children with special needs to learn modern assistive technology tools for education and to make the educational content accessible so children with special needs also can effectively study in mainstream schools. We started our operations by creating accessible educational and general reading books and bringing technology literacy among students with special needs.
Upcoming Events
We organize regular events to aimed at improving the living quality of

First Inclusive Digital Festival of Andhra Pradesh 25 July 2023
July 25, 2023 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm –
Over 200 Children with Special Needs (CwSN) will showcase their digital skills along with their able bodied colleagues in Coding, Block Coding, Python, Java Script, HTML and Web development, Games development, Animations, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Robotics and many other digital learning tools and multimode born accessible content development.

10th Eyes Free Inclusive Science and Entrepreneurship Camp, Aug 21-26 2023
August 21, 2023 – August 26, 2023 @ All Day –
The Eyes Free Inclusive Science is world’s first science promotion camp for the visually impaired school students founded at 2012. The camp is mainly for high school students. It This year the camp also having a side event for People with Special Needs who wish to start their own social enterprises in conjunction with SK University Atal Innovation Council and U DNA Foundation’s Catch Lab.
Ongoing Projects
The following are the main projects that Chakshumati is focussing on between the years 2022 and 2025.

Accessible STEM Skill Development
Accessible STEM Skill Development for visually impaired students is an ambitious project

Consultancy and Hand holding to mainstream Schools to become inclusive
Chakshumathi is at the forefront to develop an effective teaching pedagogy with

Flatten the Inaccessibility Curve in Education (Let’s FICE)
Started in April 2020, the program envisaged bringing digital literacy among students
Come learn with us
We offer courses that are led and created by differently-abled individuals. Utilizing their experience in navigating the world, we provide more complete educational tools.

Early Birds and Mummy Birds – Education Tools for Tiny tots and parents
Learning Assistive Technologies for education at an early age paves the way to successful independence, career, and confidence for children with visual impairment and print

Master in Assistive Technologies – Education and Work Tools
Master’s in Assistive Technologies for education and work tools is a critical competency a visually impaired person should possess to live with dignity and create
What They Say

“This is awesome. great initiative”
John Mathew, Philadelphia

“Looks very interesting and life changing for many.”
Dr. Arun and Dr. Ritha, United Kingdom

“ A great beginning for Accessible Sports.”